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The threat of the brown tree snake

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It’s amazing how a relatively small change in the ecosystem can make such a huge difference.

About 60 years ago, Guam was invaded by a species of snake that turned the fauna around completely. This species multiplied and reached a population of about two million. Now they are threatening local fauna.

Despite the weak venom, it causes many problems. They move in a versatile manner and can get to where they live the people of Guam. Some even wake up with the animals on their beds!

Blackouts on the power grid are frequent because the snakes enter the power supply system and obstruct its operation. When this occurs, there is even a characteristic name: it is a “brown blackout,” in an allusion to the appearance of the snakes.

But the most serious impact of the proliferation of these snakes is undoubtedly the decimation of the fauna. One of them, the koko bird, can only be found in captivity, since all the wild species have been decimated by the snakes. Rodents, small mammals and lizards also suffer from the threat of this kind.

The arrival of this snake threatens the ecosystem and all the assets of the Guam region. Protect your assets is essential for a safe life. Hire HDI’s services to take care of what’s important to you and your family.

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