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Love in Guam

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Each place we visit is singular, but we always find one thing in common in all of them: love stories. That proves love is truly universal and present in all spots of the planet!

Today, we are going to tell you the legend of the “Two Lovers Point”:

When Spain ruled in Guam, there was a respected family whose father was a prominent Spanish aristocrat and the mother was a local Chamorro chief. They had a beautiful daughter that was admired by her honesty, modesty and beauty.

On a certain day, her father arranged her marriage with a young Spanish man. However, when she learned of it, she ran away from everyone to find a calm and secluded place near the shore.

There, she met a young and handsome Chamorro warrior of modest origins. He was strong but gentle, with eyes that looked for meaning in the stars. She fell in love.

Her father, upon discovering such a fact, grew angry and demanded that the daughter married the Spanish man. The father summoned soldiers and they pursued the coupled to the cliff they had met. The couple was trapped and all they could do was to warn them to stay back.

The soldiers and the father stopped.

It was then that the couple tied their long black hair to one another’s, looked deeply into each other’s eyes and kissed for the last time and jumped off the cliff.

Until today, the Chamorros are very respectful when visiting the clif, considering the couple the symbol of true love – that remains united in life and death. The spot is know as “Two Lovers Point”.

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